Basic Level | Course | English | Pharma | 1 hour and 20 minutes

Corresponds to ½ day of teacher-directed learning


This training will give you an introduction to GMP requirements for both manufacturing of investigational ATMP and ATMP intended for the market. The training will give you a good overview of the EU requirements in EU GMP Part IV and with the emphasis of understanding the reason behind different requirements.

The training is divided into 10 parts. Each part is a short video that ends with some questions. You have to pass all questions before you can continue. After the successful completion of all parts and the tests, you will receive your Certificate of completion.


  • The background to GMP for ATMPs and how authorities perform oversight
  • Important elements of GMP such as barriers used to minimise mix-ups, prevent contamination, prevent employee errors
  • Understanding the importance of cleanroom controls and behaviour to achieve a relevant Sterility Assurance Level
  • Systems to ensuring right quality, with high degree of assurance and to facilitate investigations
  • Creating GMP records

Course modules

0. Introduction

A short introduction to the training and the content. You can find the file to work with beneath Course material.

Duration: 2 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

1. The what, why and how of GMP

The history and background combined with the most important reasons why GMP for ATMP products exists.

Trainer: Anna Lundén
Duration: 7 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

2. How authorities perform oversight

Introduction to the system of oversight for ATMP in the EU and how regulatory requirements translate down to specific facility instructions and procedures.

Trainer: Magnus Jahnsson
Duration: 12 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

3. Minimise risks for mix-ups

The first section of the 4 most important objectives of GMP. Here examples of requirements related to risks for mix-ups are covered.

Trainer: Anna Lundén
Duration: 7 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

4. Prevent contamination

The second of the 4 principles will introduce you to how the GMP requirements may prevent contamination with focus on required barriers.

Trainer: Magnus Jahnsson
Duration: 9 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

5. Microbiology and Sterility Assurance

More in-depth about microbiological contamination and the challenges with aseptic processing of ATMP products.

Trainer: Anna Lundén
Duration: 9 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

6. Minimise risks for errors

This third section of the 4 objective, training, written procedures and other GMP requirements related to how we as individuals contribute to quality are covered.

Trainer: Magnus Jahnsson
Duration: 6 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

7. Supplier controls, qualification and validation

In the fourth part of the objectives, you will learn more about some more systematic principles like supplier controls, qualification of equipment and validation of processes.

Trainer: Anna Lundén
Duration: 8 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

8. Facilitate investigations

Here the importance of traceability is described and you will learn more about how important it is that we create records and information to be able to perform investigations when needed.

Trainer: Magnus Jahnsson
Duration: 7 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

9. Creating records

This training module will give you an understanding about how to create records in a way that is compliant with GMP requirements and why Data integrity is important.

Trainer: Anna Lundén
Duration: 6 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

10. Summary

In this finale module of this GMP training specifically adapted to ATMP facilities we summarise how all the requirements make barriers to protect the patient. You will also here a few words about the differences when you move from a pre-GMP or research setting to a GMP environment.

Trainer: Magnus Jahnsson
Duration: 7 minutes (Total duration of the course: 1 hour and 20 minutes)

Course material

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Training organisation

The course results in a diploma that shows that you have the skills required.

All prices shown exclude VAT.

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